The Washington post
Good Sleep Means More Than Getting Enough Hours. A Consistent Schedule Matters, Too.
The Washington Post interviewed Sleep Coach Seth Davis for its article exploring the connection between mood issues and keeping an irregular sleep schedule.

The list
Need a Better Night's Rest? Consider a "Sleep Divorce"!
Sleepably Adult Sleep Coach Seth Davis appeared on the nationally syndicated TV show The List to discuss a historically taboo subject: sleep divorce.

Are You Sleeping Properly?
VICE interviewed Sleepably Sleep Coach Seth Davis and other sleep experts about how to avoid messing up your sleep, and how to improve your sleep.

New York Magazine
The 12 Very Best Body Pillows
Sleepably Sleep Coach Seth Davis spoke with New York Magazine about things to consider when you're shopping for a body pillow.
A Tea Ritual Could Help You Sleep Better at Night — Here’s How spoke with Sleepably Sleep Coach Seth Davis about how making tea part of your nightly ritual can make you calm and cozy as you wind down before bed.
Why We're Having Strange COVID Dreams interviewed Seth Davis to explore why more people seem to be having strange dreams during the pandemic, and how to improve our chances of having good dreams.

the everymom
5 Expert Tips to Help Your Toddler Stay in Their Bed
Popular parenting blog The Everymom interviewed Sleepably Pediatric Sleep Consultant Rebecca Schlegel to give readers advice on how to get toddlers to stay in their beds.

Hotels Refresh Better Sleep Strategies for Reimagined Wellness
Sleepably's Sleep Coach for Adults, Seth Davis, spoke with Skift for their article discussing how modern hotels are placing more of an emphasis on sleep for their guests.

Sleep Tight: Sleepably's sleep coaches are helping make your dreams come true so you can hit the hay in peace
Denver Life Magazine interviewed Seth Davis for its article highlighting Sleepably's sleep coaching services that help people achieve healthy rest to keep them at their best.

Sleep coach Seth Davis joined Jamie Glick on the All In Ya Head podcast to discuss the intricate link between sleep and mental health.

Shoutout colorado
Shoutout Colorado published a profile of Seth Davis that shows how he and Sleepably are working hard to help people worldwide achieve healthier, more restorative sleep..
Need a Midday Pick-Me-Up? Consider a ‘Coffee Nap’
Sleepably's Sleep Coach for Adults, Seth Davis, spoke with for their article covering a surprising midday sleep strategy: the coffee nap.

Taste life nutrition podcast
Sleep coach Seth Davis sat down with functional nutritionist Nikki Burnett on her Taste Life Nutrition podcast, where they delved into a broad spectrum of topics surrounding sleep and its effects on overall health.
What Makes Someone a Light Sleeper or Heavy Sleeper? asked Adult Sleep Coach Seth Davis and other sleep experts about what separates light sleepers from heavy sleepers, and how the two can share a bed.

just breathe mama coach
Interview with Pediatric Sleep Consultant Sara Nudd
The Just Breathe Mama Coach blog interviewed Sleepably Pediatric Sleep Consultant Sara Nudd to learn what a child sleep coach does, and to discuss benefits of and tips for getting better sleep.

GoSolo interviewed Sleepably's sleep coach for adults Seth Davis to discuss his journey to build a sleep coaching business that helps people worldwide achieve healthier sleep.

Cherry creek lifestyle magazine
Sleepin' It Real: The New Podcast to Improve Your Sleep and Enhance Your Life
Cherry Creek Lifestyle Magazine shined the spotlight on Sleepably's new podcast called Sleepin' It Real. Sleep Coach Seth Davis hosts the show, which focuses on sleep, wellness, and everything in between.

LIVe blissed out
Sneaky Mistakes That May be Sabotaging Your Sleep
The Live Blissed Out podcast interviewed Sleepably Adult Sleep Coach Seth Davis to discover some of the most common sleep mistakes people make that can make it harder to sleep.

PEACeful soul
The Wellbeing 5 Project: Seth Davis
Peaceful Soul asked Sleepably Adult Sleep Coach Seth Davis a series of 5 simple questions about sleep and wellbeing. Here's what Seth had to say.

smart home need
Poor Sleep is Not Something You Need to Tolerate For Long
Italian website Smart Home Need profiled Sleepably Sleep Consultant Seth Davis, focusing on his journey from insomnia to becoming a sleep coach.

sleep coach school Podcast
Seth’s 15 years with Insomnia and its Unusual End
Daniel Erichsen, founder of The Sleep Coach School, interviewed Seth Davis on his podcast to learn more about Seth's background, and to discuss the fascinating world of sleep from one sleep coach to another.

Cherry creek fashion magazine
Now Departing for the Vacation of Your Dreams With Sleep Coach Seth Davis of Sleepably
Sleepably's Seth Davis wrote this article for Cherry Creek Fashion Magazine, in which he shared several ways to set the scene for deeper, more replenishing sleep. You can use these tips to maximize your sleep’s restfulness whether you’re heading to a tropical destination or hosting a relaxing staycation.

Ready to improve your sleep with help from a sleep coach?