Toddler Sleep Consultant

Your toddler's sleep doesn't need to be difficult. Let's create a plan to help you both rest easier. 

Schedule your free 15-minute toddler sleep consultant call. 

A voice of reason

Feeling overwhelmed because of your toddler's sleep problems? We'll put your mind at ease so we can start finding solutions.

A tailored plan

The toddler sleep training approach we use will match your unique preferences, lifestyle, and goals for your child.

A thriving child

Imagine how happy and healthy your toddler will be as a stronger sleeper, and how your days and nights will improve. Now, let's get there together.

Why Won't my Child Sleep?

Your toddler (and you) deserve more peaceful nights. Which of the following toddler sleep issues has you worried or exhausted?

  • The crib-to-bed transition
  • Waking up way too early
  • Refusing to fall asleep
  • The dreaded sleep regression
  • Crying out throughout the night

Everything might seem difficult right now, but there's hope. You can end this cycle and gain the confidence to help your toddler sleep.

Our Toddler Sleep Specialists

Hi, we're Nicole and Kira, Sleepably's toddler sleep consultant team! We want to help you find your path forward with dedicated sleep support.

We understand that toddler sleep training may be an emotional and confusing topic for you. Like you, we know how it feels to want your toddler to sleep better, but to be overwhelmed by all of the information out there.

That's why we believe in keeping it simple and reducing stress. We work with parents across the U.S. to:

  • Choose toddler sleep training methods that fit their preferences
  • Make healthy changes to improve their children's sleep schedules
  • Provide a calm, supportive voice throughout the coaching process

If you want a gentle, low-stress approach to helping your toddler sleep, just schedule a free consultation and let's talk!

Image showing pediatric sleep consultant certification logo.
Image showing logo for newborn sleep consultant certification
Logo for the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants
Image showing the best sleep consultant award from Tuck

Toddler Sleep Training is Easy as 1-2-3


Schedule a free consultation 

Click Schedule Free Consultation to book a call to discuss your toddler's sleep issues.


Get your personalized sleep plan 

If you decide to work with us, your sleep consultant will: 

  • Learn more about your sleep problems
  • Create a personalized toddler sleep training plan
  • Support you and your child each step of the way


Confidently help your child sleep

We'll make sure you have the knowledge, tools and confidence to help your toddler sleep well now and in the future.

Toddler Sleep Consultant Service Guarantee

service guarantee logo

When you work with a Sleepably pediatric sleep consultant, we guarantee that:

  • We'll listen carefully to your needs so we can create an effective sleep plan.
  • Our sleep recommendations will be clear and easy to follow.
  • You'll receive helpful guidance, motivation, and emotional support each step of the way.
  • We will respond as quickly as possible anytime you need us.
  • We'll be as flexible as possible to fit your schedule.

Toddler Sleep Consultant Packages

Ready to treat your family to better sleep? View our packages below and schedule a free consultation with a toddler sleep consultant. During the call, we will:

  • Talk about your toddler's sleep problems
  • Discuss toddler sleep training packages and pricing
  • Answer any other questions you have 

You can use HSA/FSA funds if your insurance provider allows it.

Wholistic sleep

Two weeks of  toddler sleep consultant support to solidify new sleep routines and work through any bumps in the road.



Includes everything in Fast Asleep plus:

  • Daily check-ins for 2 weeks
  • Virtual bedroom assessment (we'll make sure your toddler's room is set up for sleep success)
  • Bonus resource: PDF with expert advice on handling obstacles such as Daylight Saving Time, traveling, illness, sharing a room, and transitioning from crib to bed
fast asleep

One week of support from your sleep consultant to get you confident in your ability to help your toddler sleep.



Our Most Popular Package

  • Thorough assessment of your child's sleep challenges
  • Personalized sleep plan created by a sleep consultant just for your little one
  • 45-minute call to discuss the sleep plan
  • Daily check-ins through the Rested app for 1 week
  • Free access to the Rested app
  • 1 wrap-up email
  • Feeling supported by someone who cares as much about your toddler's sleep as you do
Quick sleep help

30-minute virtual consult with a pediatric certified sleep consultant.



  • Discuss current sleep issue your toddler is facing (such as your toddler's sleep needs based on age, nap transitions, and transitioning to a big-kid bed)
  • Professional advice on how to help your toddler sleep better
  • Email following the consultation with all of the information from your toddler sleep coach

I absolutely loved working with Sara, within the first week we had things moving in the right direction. By the second week, my world had changed, after putting the kids to bed my nights are mine now for the cleaning or whatever else I need to get done. I get to sleep and feel refreshed for my next day at work.

Photo of Heather, a client who went through successful toddler sleep training with Sleepably

Heather O.

Confident mama with a well-rested toddler

We reached out to Sleepably for help transitioning our 15-month-old from 2 naps down to 1, and to try to get our 3-year-old to stop waking us during the night and to sleep later than 5 a.m. We've implemented many ideas from the tailored plans they gave us, and our 15-month-old has successfully transitioned to 1 nap, and our 3-year-old is hardly ever waking up during the night now!

Photo of Robin, who achieved sleep success with Sleepably's toddler sleep training

Robin K.

Successful toddler sleep trainer

Solve Toddler Sleep Problems

Don't let another night of blissful sleep slip away. How many times have you thought, "I just wish I had someone to help me with my child's sleep"? Well ... you do!

You can take control of the situation and begin working with a toddler sleep consultant. You'll gain a partner to ease your mind and leave you empowered to be your child's sleep superhero.

Instead of enduring rough nights for much longer, here's your opportunity to get relief.

Image of mother playing with toddler, confident after having learned toddler sleep training methods


What is a toddler sleep consultant?

What is your approach to toddler sleep training?

How much does working with a toddler sleep consultant cost?

Where are your services available?

Do you accept HSA/FSA funds?

Can you guarantee that sleep training will work with my toddler?

What are your qualifications?

How long does a typical sleep consultation take?

Where can I learn more about Sleepably's pediatric sleep consultants?

Do you offer sleep consultant services for parents who don't sleep well?

For more sleep support, check out our blog.

Image showing sleep science coach certification.
Image showing certification logo for certified sleep coach program.
Image showing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia certification.
Image showing child sleep consultant certification logo.